The couple have been held in police custody since Thursday and police are also looking for another suspect, a Pakistani man, who is believed to have received part of the money through an online transfer into his account. 嫌疑夫妇上周二被警方拘留,警方同时还在追捕另一名来自巴基斯坦的男性犯罪嫌疑人,此人被认为曾通过网上转账方式非法获取了部分赃款。
Both North and South Korean embassies were notified of the refugees once their identities were revealed, and at the North's request, the nine were released into its custody, according to the ministry's account. 难民身份一经曝光后朝鲜和韩国大使馆就得到有关这些难民的通知。据老挝外交部描述,应朝鲜的要求,九名朝鲜人被转移至朝鲜的监管下。
The bond custody account adopts the real name system. 债券托管账户采用实名制。
Opening domestic custody account for foreign exchange insurance funds, settlement account for overseas use of foreign exchange funds and securities custody accounts; 开设保险外汇资金的境内托管账户、境外外汇资金运用结算账户和证券托管账户;